
Oil and Gas


Expert IT services for the oil and gas Industry

The petroleum industry is a major sector that widely influences the operations of business and livelihood of the people. In terms of the occurrence of modernization, the process and function can be enhanced and accelerated through the use of new technologies. Computers, online automation, and high-tech facilities drive the tasks into an innovative and systematic implementation.

HEX64 works in a diverse platform and industries providing professional IT specialists to cater to specific concerns and express it to improve their operations. The range of the services we offer covers toughening of client’s IT infrastructures, updating its tools and software, data protection and more.


The industry sectors we served include

  • bank-notes-2448_bd66c927-7837-4dbf-bc25-d49656dfe619

    Exploration & Production

    Our specialized team articulates eloquent IT solutions with dynamic results that enlarge the capabilities of the exploration and production operations.

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    Equip the transportation of oil and gas products with more efficient technology and IT facilities.

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    Monitor and ensure the storage of the products through sophisticated technological methods with the help of our IT professionals.

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    We provide high-caliber IT specialists to oversee the procedures under modern technology systems.

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    The oil and gas business can increase its venture through online marketing and advertising implemented by our experts.

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    We cover the great IT solutions to the conversion operations and processes of oil and gas into several industries.

Benefits to bank on

Our clients are able to increase end-user productivity without sacrificing usability.

  • Business Scalability

    Our goal is to achieve our client’s perception of the development and success of their business expanding its services to several individuals and sectors.

  • Security and Compliance

    We brace and secure our client’s IT system and infrastructures with the principles instituted to the guidelines of the company to the workforce.

  • Trusted IT Support

    The oil and gas industry sectors can ensure uninterrupted operations and processes having the support of our 24/7 specialized IT team.

  • Custom Services

    Business services will be highlighted and fortified with systematized IT solutions to carry out genuine services.

Stop wasting time and money on technology. Let’s get started


Transform your technology by focusing on 3 key areas

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    Data Transformation

    The data stored online can be freely transformed to improve the industry operations.

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    Digital Enablement

    Accompany your technological system with data transformations to develop information disseminations with your customers.

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    Innovation Partnership

    Team up with our IT professionals in formulating strategies to build exemplary business processes.


We work with oil and gas companies worldwide

At HEX64, the possibilities and growth of oil and gas companies are limitless with the support of our IT professionals bringing digital technology as an instrument to enhance business operations.


IT services firm worldwide


Satisfied customers worldwide
With our Team.
Customers stories

Why Choose Our IT Services?


  • health-6332_fc720e72-c337-4f55-ac5e-081bb75924ec
    Grow your business
    Focus on scaling and expanding your business, while we take care of your IT needs and network requirements.
  • computer-network-1878_d52426db-94da-42b1-a4cd-d9ec6ecccef7
    Streamline processes
    Increase productivity and performance of your organization when you have a dedicated IT support team by your side.
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    Empower your people
    Allow your employees to do more and focus on their jobs, without being held back by tech issues and concerns.

    Please provide a few details to help us understand how we can best serve your needs